Good parent tool If your church uses 252 or first look
On its own this app might look like it doesnt have a ton of content, however if used in combination with attending a church that uses the orange curriculum its a big win. its a parent tool its not designed to entertain or teach your child. it gives parents a few key prompts and ideas so they can interact with their child in an intentional way reinforcing what your child heard at church on Sunday. It only gives you what your child is currently learning, so any discussions or activities directly relate to that weeks topic. If I gave this app to my 4th or 5th grader to entertain them on a trip they would not be impressed. But if I happened to look at a few key discussion questions before we left and we had a family conversation on that trip it would be time well spent. I have not personally had crashes or any tech difficulty, I use it on an iPad not sure if that makes a difference
Ciscollc about
Parent Cue